1.2 16V (BB05, BB0W, BB11, BB27, BB2T, BB2U, BB2V, CB05...)
Part Number
Number of other manufacturers (OEMs)
Part Title
Number of other manufacturers (OEMs):
30,14 UAH
0,71 euro
0,76 USD
Number of other manufacturers (OEMs):
545000794R; 545004269R; 545011362R; 545019294R; 6001549181; 6001549182; 6001550911; 6001550912; 6040002245; 8200749459; 8200749461; 8200792639
133,26 UAH
3,16 euro
3,37 USD
Number of other manufacturers (OEMs):
8200275528; 8200307941; 6001547499; 6001548403
311,63 UAH
7,39 euro
7,88 USD
Number of other manufacturers (OEMs):
8200038243, 7701479190
313,16 UAH
7,42 euro
7,92 USD
Number of other manufacturers (OEMs):
7700424399; 5456000QAB; 8200942406; 8200942405; 8200942396; 7700424459; 8200942392
142,83 UAH
3,39 euro
3,61 USD