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fuel Type
Type of vehicle
Model Year (From - To)
Engine Capacity (cm ³)
Engine code
fuel Type
Type of vehicle: LP 608, LPL 608
Model Year (From - To): 1963 - 1984
kw: 63
hp: 85
Engine Capacity (cm ³): 3780
Cylinder: 0
Engine code: OM 314.910, OM 314.944, OM 314.964, OM 314.965
fuel Type: Diesel
Type of vehicle: LPKF 608
Model Year (From - To): 1963 - 1984
kw: 63
hp: 85
Engine Capacity (cm ³): 3780
Cylinder: 0
Engine code: OM 314.910, OM 314.944
fuel Type: Diesel
Type of vehicle: LPS 608, LPLS 608
Model Year (From - To): 1963 - 1984
kw: 63
hp: 85
Engine Capacity (cm ³): 3780
Cylinder: 0
Engine code: OM 314.910, OM 314.944, OM 314.964, OM 314.965
fuel Type: Diesel
Type of vehicle: LP 709, LPL 709
Model Year (From - To): 1963 - 1984
kw: 63
hp: 85
Engine Capacity (cm ³): 3780
Cylinder: 0
Engine code: OM 314.910, OM 314.944, OM 314.964, OM 314.965
fuel Type: Diesel
Type of vehicle: LPS 709, LPLS 709
Model Year (From - To): 1963 - 1984
kw: 63
hp: 85
Engine Capacity (cm ³): 3780
Cylinder: 0
Engine code: OM 314.910, OM 314.944, OM 314.964, OM 314.965
fuel Type: Diesel
Type of vehicle: LPKF 709
Model Year (From - To): 1977 - 1984
kw: 63
hp: 85
Engine Capacity (cm ³): 3780
Cylinder: 0
Engine code: OM 314.910, OM 314.944
fuel Type: Diesel
Type of vehicle: LPO 709
Model Year (From - To): 1977 - 1984
kw: 63
hp: 85
Engine Capacity (cm ³): 3780
Cylinder: 0
Engine code: OM 314.910, OM 314.944
fuel Type: Diesel
Type of vehicle: LPK 709
Model Year (From - To): 1977 - 1984
kw: 63
hp: 85
Engine Capacity (cm ³): 3780
Cylinder: 0
Engine code: OM 314.910, OM 314.944, OM 314.964, OM 314.965
fuel Type: Diesel
Type of vehicle: LP 808, LPL 808
Model Year (From - To): 1963 - 1984
kw: 63
hp: 85
Engine Capacity (cm ³): 3780
Cylinder: 0
Engine code: OM 314.910, OM 314.944, OM 314.964, OM 314.965
fuel Type: Diesel
Type of vehicle: LP 809, LPL 808, LPL 809
Model Year (From - To): 1963 - 1984
kw: 63
hp: 85
Engine Capacity (cm ³): 3780
Cylinder: 0
Engine code: OM 314.910, OM 314.944, OM 314.964, OM 314.965
fuel Type: Diesel
Type of vehicle: LPK 809
Model Year (From - To): 1977 - 1984
kw: 63
hp: 85
Engine Capacity (cm ³): 3780
Cylinder: 0
Engine code: OM 314.910, OM 314.944, OM 314.964, OM 314.965
fuel Type: Diesel
Type of vehicle: LPK 811
Model Year (From - To): 1973 - 1984
kw: 81
hp: 110
Engine Capacity (cm ³): 5675
Cylinder: 0
Engine code: OM 353.903
fuel Type: Diesel
Type of vehicle: LP 813, LPL 813
Model Year (From - To): 1963 - 1984
kw: 96
hp: 130
Engine Capacity (cm ³): 5675
Cylinder: 0
Engine code: OM 353.904, OM 353.965, OM 353.981, OM 353.982
fuel Type: Diesel
Type of vehicle: LPS 813, LPLS 813
Model Year (From - To): 1963 - 1984
kw: 96
hp: 130
Engine Capacity (cm ³): 5675
Cylinder: 0
Engine code: OM 353.904, OM 353.965, OM 353.981
fuel Type: Diesel
Type of vehicle: LPK 813
Model Year (From - To): 1973 - 1984
kw: 96
hp: 130
Engine Capacity (cm ³): 5675
Cylinder: 0
Engine code: OM 353.904, OM 353.965, OM 353.981, OM 353.982
fuel Type: Diesel
Type of vehicle: LPO 813
Model Year (From - To): 1969 - Until now
kw: 96
hp: 130
Engine Capacity (cm ³): 5675
Cylinder: 0
Engine code: OM 353.904, OM 353.965, OM 353.941
fuel Type: Diesel
Type of vehicle: LP 913, LPL 913
Model Year (From - To): 1963 - 1984
kw: 96
hp: 130
Engine Capacity (cm ³): 5675
Cylinder: 0
Engine code: OM 353.904, OM 353.965, OM 353.981, OM 353.982
fuel Type: Diesel
Type of vehicle: LPS 913
Model Year (From - To): 1969 - 1984
kw: 96
hp: 130
Engine Capacity (cm ³): 5675
Cylinder: 0
Engine code: OM 353.904, OM 353.965
fuel Type: Diesel
Type of vehicle: LPK 913
Model Year (From - To): 1967 - 1984
kw: 96
hp: 130
Engine Capacity (cm ³): 5675
Cylinder: 0
Engine code: OM 353.904, OM 353.965, OM 353.981, OM 353.982
fuel Type: Diesel
Type of vehicle: LP 1013, LPL 1013
Model Year (From - To): 1976 - 1984
kw: 96
hp: 130
Engine Capacity (cm ³): 5675
Cylinder: 0
Engine code: OM 353.904, OM 353.965, OM 353.981, OM 353.982
fuel Type: Diesel
Type of vehicle: LP 1013
Model Year (From - To): 1976 - 1984
kw: 124
hp: 168
Engine Capacity (cm ³): 5675
Cylinder: 0
Engine code: OM 353.914
fuel Type: Diesel
Type of vehicle: LP 1113, LPL 1113
Model Year (From - To): 1980 - 1984
kw: 96
hp: 130
Engine Capacity (cm ³): 5675
Cylinder: 0
Engine code: OM 353.904, OM 353.965, OM 353.982
fuel Type: Diesel
Type of vehicle: LPK 1013
Model Year (From - To): 1976 - 1984
kw: 96
hp: 130
Engine Capacity (cm ³): 5675
Cylinder: 0
Engine code: OM 353.904, OM 353.965, OM 353.981, OM 353.982
fuel Type: Diesel
Site development: Digital agency Inpreza

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